- My own pathway through the day was remarkably peaceful given the tumultuous events taking place elsewhere around Copenhagen. It ended gloriously with Toni and Bettina showing AQUA at the Pumphaus with Safri Duo. At present, communications between so-called 'civil society' and the formal negotiations have all but fallen through. The first step was Friends of the Earth and AVAAZ staging a small demonstration inside the Bella CEntre, leading them to be banned from entry. A short time later, 200 ngo delegates formed a loud demonstration inside the Bella Centre, calling for the People's Voice to be heard in the negotiations. They left voluntarily to join a +2000 strong demonstration outside, but were blocked from merging at the last minute by police on a bridge.
The immediate result was that, from midday Wednesday, the UN removed all registrations from the entire NGO delegation. No ngos have been allowed access ever since. In my innocence, I caught my usual 4A bus from Norrebrogaden, only to find myself on a lengthy detour to parts unknown, accompanied by the Vice President of the Catalan Climate Office who like me had been up much of the night at the LCA negotiations. Once deposited, we thankfully found a taxi to Bella, only to find the situation calm but the entrance impervious and firmly guarded. So back to the Klmaforum where I attended a Biefing at 7pm, hearing firsthand 'testimonials' of 5 different demonstrations - while those involved feel they have struck a blow for freedom, from where I stand it feels as though a few have led to communication breakdons for the many.
My deepest and most fervent wish is that negotiaters and world leaders inside can concentrate on the most important matter at hand, and quickly return to finding common ground and salvage a robust global deal on some common core principles - a Heads of Agreement that can be built upon in the coming months and years. The issue is too important get bogged.
Central Copenhagen is in semi-lockdown but increadibly beautiful in the snow. Safri Duo and AQUA mesmerized and moved a large audience. I'm so proud of our Bega lasses!
I will keep safe and blog again through the day from an internet cafe. I'm off to join a meditation and a day of fasting at the Oxenhallen.
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