Saturday, December 5, 2009

In Transit

Well, this blog is not quite a daily routine yet, but I'll get there! Miraculously, since I'm in transit at Bangkok Airport, it seems I'll also make to Copenhagen. Last week evaporated in the last minute rush, with three radio interviews on Thursday (ABC SE, ABC Snowy Mountains and Dovetalk on 2XX with Katherine Purnell).

All handovers went smoothly: my mother estabished in respite care, my children last seen happily playing with their cousins. Even managed to skype John from Adelaide to Ceduna - a good dry run for keeping in touch from the other side of the globe!

Glad to read Bjorn Lomborg the skeptic sensibly calling for further renewable energy R&D funding (with every dollar on green energy avoiding $11 of climte damage). Our Snowy Mountains CEFE convenor, Acacia Rose, sent out an excellent media release calling for increased investment in a transition to renewable energy in the wake of the sudden demise of the proposed emissions trading scheme (see

From my few glimpses of media, other countries are beginning to move in a positive direction. Sir Nicholas Stern has been upbeat, basing his projections on all countries moving to the upper limit of their promises to cut emissions. For Australia, that would require rapidly developing a plan to reach the 25% target. With our new Opposition leader's strong links with surf lifesaving and the firebrigades, someone needs to talk with Tony Abbott about the emergency services Run for a Safe Climate and our LifeSaving Energy Projects! The transitions can all be done, the technology is available, it just requires the political will to free up the funding and improve policy settings to encourage industry development and community uptake.

Decided to call this blog cefecop = cleanenergyforeternity in copenhagen, COP15 bein conference of the parties, and my sense of being there as a community representative aiming, in the Quaker sense, to 'bear witness' to what occurs, to listen and learn.)

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