The crowds were even bigger than on my arrival last Tuesday, a fact that was to play out through the day. Entire delegations got caught in the queues, waiting four hours in the cold instead of giving talks or attending their press conferences. Around lunchtime I went to hear Yvo de Boer provide an update on progress with the international negotiations, but he had been caught up in Ministerial briefings and was unable to attend. Instead I learnt the facts behind the flying rumours: on Tuesday and Wednesday, ngo number will be limited to 7000 via a two pass system, on Thursday this will drop to 1000 and on Friday, the last day on the climate talks, only 90 members of civil society will have access to the Bella Centre
One challenge is going to be how to keep us all informed on progress, another to find venues that can cope with an additional 24,410 people washing around. The Danes have been incredibly organised and accommodating, so I have confidence something will transpire. Meanwhile there are no end of other venues to participate in lively climate fora and hear the lastest science, see the latest films and generally feel the international pulse.
One good place for information is the CANA (Climate Action Network Australia) site. Always worth cross checking references, millions out there, one is equity watch from centre of science and environment in India they always give an articulate developing world perspective.
Long Term Cooperative Action
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